About Me

“Every untold thought can evolve into a great story” 

Through whatever means you’ve stumbled across this page, I’m very glad you did. What you’re going to find here is an archive of stories, observations, and incoherent thoughts carved from the experiences of daily life. While you muse over my world, you may come across people you’ve known, people you’ve been, moments you’ve loved and cherished, instances that surface emotions, pieces that will make you cringe and laugh (maybe even cry), and conversations that are so complex, but you’re sure to relate to. Either way, I hope this is a comforting place for you to be. 
In here, it’s always the story hour! 

Soundarya Sreeram


Soundarya is a copywriter by profession, puzzled in her 20s, hoping to share insightful stories that stay with you long after the last page.

S. Gayathri


Gayathri is a social science researcher by profession, who turns to fiction to cope with and make sense of an increasingly complex world.

Jelsin Pius Antony


Jelsin is a self-made designer with an eye for ideation and creativity that produces magic and hits all the right spots.

Akshay Bindu Sagar

Graphic Designer

Akshay bleeds talent. He’s a man of few words who explores the depths of different worlds through his undying passion for design. 

Sharath Dibdar

Website Manager

Sharath is a learner of life and an abundant source of mind-blowing facts who moves around with an intense fascination for everything tech.